Chevron in Ecuador

The archive of the Clean Up Ecuador campaign website

Sacha-10 (Spanish)

The judicial inspections found that the waste pits next to this well, built by Texaco in 1971, contained high levels of toxins well over Ecuadorian norms. Significantly, these pits were subjected to Texaco's remediation in the mid 1990s. Highlights of results include:

  • Lead at levels 265 times higher than maximum allowable levels under Ecuadorian law;
  • TPHs at levels 30 times higher the maximum permissible levels;
  • Chromium 6 was found 75 percent higher than the maximum;
  • Barium was found six times higher than the maximum;
  • ChevronTexaco's own analysis, taken just after the pit was supposedly remediated, indicate levels of lead, cadmium, and nickel each at least two times higher than the maximum allowable levels;
  • ChevronTexaco's results from the judicial inspections show four samples of TPHs above Ecuadorian norms.