Chevron in Ecuador

The archive of the Clean Up Ecuador campaign website

Spain: Boycott Called Against Chevron for Amazon Damage

Prensa Latina
21 May 2014

Madrid, Spain – Spanish ecological and social organizations along with political parties called today for a boycott of Chevron-Texaco products until that company pays the fine imposed by Ecuadorian courts for the damages it caused to the Amazon.

The call to halt consumption or use of Chevron-Texaco products is mentioned in a statement from the Spanish Committee in Defense of the Ecuadorian Amazon (Cedaec), presented to Ecuador's Ambassador to Madrid, Miguel Calahorrano.

In a ceremony to present the document, Cedaec coordinator Luis Nieto highlighted the need for an international mobilization against impunity of the multinational Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador.

In Ecuador from 1964 to 1990, Texaco, a consortium purchased by Chevron in 2001, drilled and operated 356 oil wells and opened thousands of ditches to dump waste products, causing environmental damage and affecting quality of life in local communities.

It is estimated that 80 tons of toxic waste were dumped in the jungle, polluting water sources, killing wildlife in surrounding areas and affecting more than 30,000 people.

Although since 2013 the National Court of Justice ruled that Chevron-Texaco must pay $9 billion USD for the damages, the company continues to deny its responsibility.

Cedaec includes, among others, the United Left coalition, the Socialist Party of Madrid, The Green Party, Rumiñahui Association, Alianza Pais party and committees from Valencia, Alicante, Andalusia, Balearic Islands and Madrid, against the dirty hand of Chevron.