Chevron in Ecuador

The archive of the Clean Up Ecuador campaign website

Steven Donziger: Oil and Its Aftermath

Alec Baldwin's Here's The Thing on WNYC
15 March 2016

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Alec Baldwin interviewed Steven Donziger on WNYC's program Here's The Thing about Chevron's environmental crimes in Ecuador.

In 1993, tens of thousands of native Ecuadorians filed a civil suit against oil giant Texaco, alleging that the corporation's activity in the country's north-east Lago Agrio oil fields resulted in the poisoning of drinking water, land toxicity, and biological defects and cancers among local communities. A young Harvard-trained lawyer named Steven Donziger first visited Ecuador in 1993 as part of the plaintiffs' legal team. After decades of litigation – still ongoing – Donziger has ultimately become the Ecuadorian plaintiffs' primary American legal counsel, as well as an outspoken critic of the legal tactics employed by Texaco (which was absorbed by Chevron in 2001). In 2011, Donziger won in Ecuador, resulting in a $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron.